
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Currently Reading...

Among the books I'm currently reading -- and I'm often the type who starts and never quite finishes many books (I must have 20+ books 'in process') -- there are three related to writing, two of which have to do with writing and critique groups.

The first is The Writing Group Book: Creating and Sustaining a Successful Writing Group ©2003 edited by Lisa Rosenthal. [author's website][WashCoLib website].

While generally an interesting read -- it is fun to read about other writer's experiences in writing groups -- I have not found this book quite as useful as I had hoped. I have taken some notes that I plan to consult as Westside Writers grows, but it seems more like a 'getting started' book than 'so your group could be better' book. It's an easy read and one thing I still want to do before returning it is compile the list of links here for future reference. I think the other resources listed (books and periodicals) can also be of help if one is looking for assistance in a specific area as well. Certainly worth checking out from your local library!

I just started The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide: How to Give and Receive Feedback, Self-Edit, and Make Revisions © by Becky Levine. [publications's website][WashCoLib website]

So far this one is providing more information about how to deal with actual critiques -- giving & receiving -- and provides tools to make such easier. Check out the worksheets on the publications's website: these come right out of the book. More on this later.

Last, for today, I'm reading Schaum's Quick Guide to Writing Great Short Stories ©1999 by Lucke, Margaret. [WashCoLib website]

I've actually been reading this one very slowly; had to return it because I used up all renewals and have checked it out again. It seems a pretty decent quick and dirty (read that Idiot's Guide if you like) to writing short fiction. It is certainly a great starting point if one is interested in writing, though I wonder how helpful it would be for the person who had never writing a piece of fiction before.

Okay, need to actually spend some time working on critiques before tonight's Beaverton Evening Writers meeting!

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